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Best Local Metal Act

Rawhead Rex

Rawhead Rex The rumors have circulated in the past months these local metal stalwarts are, if not already mashed to a pulp, then at least on the rocks. Which would only make perfect sense, seeing how metal (as in HEAVY -- not to be confused with its offspring, grindcore, speedcore, deathcore, hardcore, rapcore, power-groove, thrash, techno-speed, doom, and stoner rock) has made such a tremendous commercial comeback. Throughout their career, Rawhead Rex were one of the few bands anywhere who were proud to be called a good, old-fashioned, beer-swilling, hair-a-flying, in-it-for-the-chicks metal band. So now that the genre is popular again, it seems right that Rawhead should try and slip out the back door without saying goodnight. Five-time nominees for Best Local Hardrock/Metal Act (most recently winning it in 1997), the Rex-set were nothing more than old-school fans of heavy metal who set out to put the capital E back in the concert event. And Worcester's audience (which has steadfastly remained the nation's unofficial magnetic north of metal) responded. The band drove hard, loud, and proud, and the locals treated them with love and respect. They are arguably the most popular metal band to call Wormtown home. After nearly six years of non-stop practicing, gigging, and recording (which resulted in three albums, including the area's first interactive disc Rebirth ), and a Web site that is non-committal at best about any future together (they re-form later this month for a show with Armored Saint without vocalist and founding member Eric Jernstrom), it may be time to bid them a fond farewell. If there is no tomorrow, it's fitting they should take this last award before bowing out. Good-bye lads, and thanks for everything.

-- John O'Neill

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