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Best Local Punk Act

Critical Condition

Critical Condition Three years ago, members of Critical Condition sat down with lead vocalist Matt Gomes's father and laid out their future plans -- which didn't include college. That was fine with Dad as long as they kept their side of the deal: stay in high school and he'd give them financial backing. He's kept his side of the deal, serving as executive producer for their debut CD, Censorship Sucks (Fierce Gibralter). Recorded at Longview Studios, the disc's six hard, not-to-sing-a-long, teen anthems cover girls-to-be-avoided, girls-to-apologize-to, and life after high school. Old-school punk rockers will hear tinges of Stiff Little Fingers, the Outlets, and the Dead Milkmen on "What Went Wrong." Current peers include Lit and Blink-182. Gomes and bassist Justin Leduc frantically follow the energetic beat of drummer Mike Derusha on a disc that shows plenty of promise while earning itself a place in the Worcester Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In their young career, in which they've been mainstays at the Cafe Abba, Critical Condition have made it to the main stage at the Palladium. And, yes, now that their third member is ready to graduate from high school, they're ready to tackle music full time. Next up: working on new songs for their second CD, expanding their fan base outside of Central Massachusetts, and finding girlfriends. How else could they write another album?

-- Brian Goslow

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