[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
April 26 - May 3, 2001
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(Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, and the Springfield Science Museum), at the Quadrangle, 220 State St., Springfield, (413) 263-6800. Wed. through Fri. from noon to 5 p.m. and on Sat. and Sun. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $6, students and seniors $3, children 6 to 18 $2.

Through April 29: "Gorillas in the Lens: Dian Fossey's Legacy" and "The Chimpanzees of Gombe Stream." Through May 6: "Windows Into Heaven: Holy Art of Imperial Russia." Through June 30: "Crossing Over: The Bridges of Springfield." Through July 1: "Italian Watercolors from the Permanent Collection" and "Style and Symbol: Chinese Cloisonne from the Permanent Collection." Through July 15.: "Looking Backward to the Future: Springfield Visions and Visionaries." Through Sept. 2: "Growing Your Family Tree: Sources of Family History." Ongoing: "The Underwater World of the Connecticut River."

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