51 Sandy Pond Rd., Lincoln, (781) 259-8355. Main Galleries are open Tues. through Sun. from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sculpture Park is open daily during daylight hours.
¥ In the Main Galleries, ongoing: "Kingdom: An Installation by Randal Thurston," "Abstract Expressionism/Figurative Expressionism: Common Ground," and "Welcome to the House of Art: An Installation by Todd McKie." Through May 28: "Flights of Fantasy," an installation by Glorianna Davenport, Barbara Berry, Aisling Kelliher, James Seo, and the Interactive Cinema Group at MIT Lab, and "Lighten Up: Art with a Sense of Humor," works by Karl Baden, Teddy Dibble, Karin Giusti, Philip Knoll, Cary Leibowitz/Candyass, Christopher "Lucky" Leone, Heidi Marston, Todd McKie, Pat Oleszko, Tom Otterness, Erika Rothenberg, Jeff Smith, Peter Thibeault, Jeffu Warmouth, William Wegmen, the artist teams of Steve Aishman and Heidi Marson, and Lev and Emre Yilmaz.--¥ In the Sculpture Terrace, through June 10: "Just the Thing! The Object in Contemporary Outdoor Sculpture," works by Meredith Bergmann, Shaun Cassidy, Christopher Frost, Karin Giusti, Ruth Green, George Greenamyer, Jun Hoshino, Niki Ketchman, John Ruppert, Ed Shay, Tony Shanzione, and Leslie Wilcox.