** Agnostic Front
You generally
know what to expect from the Epitaph imprint: its bands have a Cookie Monster
punk image. The musicians may be angry, tattoo'd, and pierced, but Epipunkers
are sensitive AA graduates. And most of the albums have that Lars Frederiksen
production, which sounds like '80s glam-metal minus the reverb, even if
Rancid's Frederiksen isn't at the knobs.
This dressing worked last year on Agnostic Front's Epitaph debut,
Something's Gotta Give: the disc marked an Agnostic Front reunion, and
it had the band coming off like the thug-punk equivalent of Journey, with sappy
street lyrics about "believing in hardcore" lavishly accompanied by big, glossy
guitars. Aside from some by-the-book Brit-punk/Oi!-style filler, Riot, Riot,
Upstart is a more intimate outing for the veteran hardcore band -- intimate
in a primal sense. At times listening is like witnessing a temper tantrum:
"Police State," "Blood, Death & Taxes," and "Bullet on Mott St." are less
songs than politically charged staccato shouts fitted with guitar riffs. So
this time the Friday-night-arena-band production, featuring "spooky" sound
effects and an Epitaph choir of special guests on soccer chants, isn't quite
appropriate. In fact, it detracts from the Sunday-afternoon-punk-matinee
(Agnostic Front perform this Sunday, October 31, upstairs at the
Palladium in Worcester. Call 800-477-6849.)