[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
August 20 - 27, 1999

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***1/2 Salif Keita


(Metro Blue)

Nothing comes easily for Mali's moody superstar. Keita's take on a rock album has been talked about and fussed over for more than three years, spanning recording sessions in Bamako, Paris, and New York, various remixes, and a change of record companies. The end result features simpler, blunter rhythms than have been common in Keita's past work but the same careful songwriting, arranging, and visceral delivery that have marked his best efforts. Keita has the vocal power to fill out these layered, muscular grooves, especially on "Bolon," a dark, rocking song of mourning, and the soulful ballad "Abede."

Vernon Reid co-produced the album, but his guitar voice is apparent only occasionally, even less than the kora voice of guest instrumentalist Toumani Diabate. What emerges most strongly is Keita's own grand, shapeshifting musical conception. These durable songs mark a new chapter in one of the most varied repertoires of any African artist. Keita has proved he can make a rock album, but don't expect him to do it again.

-- Banning Eyre

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