** Papa Vegas
When they're not aiming for
hit-singledom, Papa Vegas are like a darker, meaner, minor-key-abusing, Black
Sabbath-loving Cheap Trick on Hello Vertigo, their debut CD. The likes
of "Something Wrong" and "Bombshell" marry heavy guitar riffs to pop melodies
without letting things get too ugly. It's the kind of hard rock that in an
earlier era would have called for a singer with a ridiculously high range and a
few more guitar solos and earned the group opening slots for bands like Guns N'
Roses and Skid Row. But singer/guitarist/keyboardist Joel Ferguson is a '90s
guy who doesn't quite sing so much as talk with a semi-melodic lilt.
Unfortunately, the band's glossier bids for airplay end up in the power-ballad
ghetto populated by plodding drums, overprocessed keyboards, and choruses you
see coming a mile away.
-- Steven Ovadia