*** Jimmy Cliff
Jimmy Cliff, the only reggae
star whose profile matches that of the late Bob Marley, toured Africa in 1985.
While he was in the Congo (then Zaire), he recorded the tracks for this album
with three of that country's most influential bands: TPOK, led by Franco, the
guitar sorcerer who was probably the most influential African composer of the
past 50 years; Afrisa International, fronted by Tabu Ley Rochereau, the man who
set the standard for Congolese singing; and Grand Zaiko Wawa, a group who
evolved from Zaiko Langa Langa, the best African "new wave" band of the late
These bands play soukous, a fusion of Cuban son and various Congolese
folk forms that's been the West African dance music of choice since the early
'60s. Soukous is marked by its fast tempo, emotive vocals, and dazzling guitar
work. Most tunes have two syncopated lead lines dueling for your attention;
Afrisa use lead bass and an extra rhythm guitar to add complexity to their
arrangements. But since the lyrics are usually in Creole or French, this music
hasn't been widely available in this country. With Cliff's name recognition,
soulful vocals, and English lyrics, soukous could finally make an impact on
American listeners.
-- J. Poet