*** The Gunga Din
(Tractor Beam)
Some bands
-- the White Zombies and Marilyn Mansons of the world -- try to give you the
creeps by dressing up like creatures of the night, jumping around maniacally,
and making a whole lot of noise. Others take a more refined approach, relying
on the tension and flow of the music instead of costume pageantry.
The Gunga Din are a garage band from New York, a city in which the concept of
jamming in your parents' empty garage just doesn't exist. They're really more
of a loft band, featuring current and former members of various underground
bands. Singer Siobhan Duffy is from God Is My Co-Pilot; singer/guitarist Bill
Bronson was mostly recently spotted in Congo Norvell; bassist Chris Pradica has
Supreme Dicks on his résumé; Farfisa organist Maria Zastrow is a
member of Stereo Total; and drummer Jim Sclavunos is one of Nick Cave's Bad
Seeds. On their Introducing . . . debut, the
after-midnight vibe is nearly palpable, yet it's achieved subtly. There's no
barking at the moon, just cool "96 Tear" organ lines, slow-motion surf-guitar
riffs, and Hazlewood/Sinatra vocal duets delivered with tasteful restraint over
hypnotic bass and drum grooves that sound as if they could go until dawn.
(The Gunga Din open for Speedball Baby this Friday, April 2, at T.T.
the Bear's Place. Call 492-BEAR.)