[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
April 2 - 9, 1999

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*** The Gunga Din


(Tractor Beam)

Some bands -- the White Zombies and Marilyn Mansons of the world -- try to give you the creeps by dressing up like creatures of the night, jumping around maniacally, and making a whole lot of noise. Others take a more refined approach, relying on the tension and flow of the music instead of costume pageantry.

The Gunga Din are a garage band from New York, a city in which the concept of jamming in your parents' empty garage just doesn't exist. They're really more of a loft band, featuring current and former members of various underground bands. Singer Siobhan Duffy is from God Is My Co-Pilot; singer/guitarist Bill Bronson was mostly recently spotted in Congo Norvell; bassist Chris Pradica has Supreme Dicks on his résumé; Farfisa organist Maria Zastrow is a member of Stereo Total; and drummer Jim Sclavunos is one of Nick Cave's Bad Seeds. On their Introducing . . . debut, the after-midnight vibe is nearly palpable, yet it's achieved subtly. There's no barking at the moon, just cool "96 Tear" organ lines, slow-motion surf-guitar riffs, and Hazlewood/Sinatra vocal duets delivered with tasteful restraint over hypnotic bass and drum grooves that sound as if they could go until dawn.

-- Matt Ashare

(The Gunga Din open for Speedball Baby this Friday, April 2, at T.T. the Bear's Place. Call 492-BEAR.)
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