***1/2 Gary Lucas
Humor, fear, and virtuosity
pal around on New York City-based guitarist Gary Lucas's latest solo release,
from John Zorn's label. In theory it's a children's album, but some of these 17
pieces will give little bastards nightmares -- especially "Sandman," which
progresses from a prettily chiming figure to deep, dark din as Lucas talks
about abduction. Some of the more charming tunes blend Jewish folklore with
memories from Lucas's own kidhood: there's the theme from Fiddler on the
Roof, notions copped from Marx Brothers movies, and the merry influence of
Max and Dave Fleischer's cartoons (Betty Boop, Popeye).
There's also a streak of Delta blues running through the album; it surfaces
most dramatically in the ravishing "Shekhinah," an instrumental that unites the
sound of deep Mississippi and the female spiritual energy of the Kabala. This
album's mostly built around the former Captain Beefheart band member's dynamic
acoustic and National-steel-guitar playing, but when his electric six-string
surfaces in "Abie the Fishman," which explores issues of Jewish identity in its
ironic humor, the result is a blazing sonic rip.
-- Ted Drozdowski