by Brian Goslow
Pioneer lesbian folk singer Alix Dobkin gets lots
of airplay on Face the Music, the weekly womyn's music program
alternatively hosted by Sage and Sylvia every Thursday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. on
WCUW (91.3 FM). Dobkin's Love & Politics: A 30 Year Saga is a two-CD
set that doubles as a historical document of the period. Tracks being aired on
WCUW include "Lesbian Power Authority," "Living with Contradictions," and
"Lesbian Codes."
A browse through recent playlists shows Sylvia's been playing Joan
Jett's "Spinster," Anique Lamerduc's "Lesbiana," Melissa
Etheridge's "You Can Sleep While I Drive," and Kim Char-Meredith's
"Slender Line of Lavender," while Sage has been rocking the house with Sarah
McLachlan's "Possession," Luscious Jackson's "Energy Sucker,"
Jess Klein's "Pain Made Me Strong," 2 Nice Girls' "I've Spent My
Last $10.00," and Space and Time's "Yer Girlfriend."
If you're a regular listener (and even if you're not) of Face the Music
but don't know where to purchase the music by gay and lesbian recording
artists, hop a ride on the Internet and visit, which along with
providing you a place to order favorite recordings includes its own listening
stations like "Sunday Tea," "Over and Out," featuring gay dance classics, "Club
Verotem," which celebrates the music and performers of a suppressed culture,
"Gay Classics," and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
LOCAL MUSIC has been noticeably absent from the airwaves this summer, but the
omnipresent Erick Godin took care of that in one single swoop when he premiered
the special CD prepared for those who attended SK8:98 (Mezzowreck) on a recent
Dave and Dave Show (a/k/a Radio Free Wormtown), which airs every
Thursday from 9:30 to 11 p.m. on WCUW. If you missed the concert spectacular,
you should do whatever it takes to track down the disc, which includes H20,
Murphy's Law (whose performance, Dave Goldberg calls, the best he caught),
dayinthelife, 7 Hill Psychos, Sticker, and Huck (who didn't play
the show but contributed "Catchy Phrase" nevertheless). At the very least its
band directory can come in handy if you can't find their latest release at the
local music store or didn't have the cash to buy it at the show.
Another band who didn't play SK8:98 but have been getting major airplay on the
Dave and Dave Show all summer is, surprise, surprise, Hanson.
"Their new CD of old music, 3 Car Garage (Mercury), makes Tulsa the new
capital of rock and roll." As the area campuses fill up and parents help out on
one last shopping spree, Goldberg sees one longtime college-radio favorite
seeing a noticeable jump in sales. "Natalie Merchant's goal is have
Ophelia (Elektra) purchased by every college freshman taking an `Intro
to Literature' course." Just like the classics, however, it just may be too
painful to experience in a single setting.
The Asian pop rock invasion may have hit a snag, but there's still plenty of
happy music making its way to the airwaves. "Vietnam's Three Cats make
Shonen Knife look like the Spice Girls." Equally as enjoyable is the new one
from returning Alterna-Queen Liz Phair. "She's way chic on
whitechocolatespaceegg (Matador)." Other picks from Goldberg include
David Holmes's Gritty Shaker (Go!Beat) and Refuse To be
Drained, "a great CD from Lynn, Massachusetts, but the band's name should
be changed from Gasket to Casket." Sounds like more of that death metal!