*** Spoon
Having graduated from the
indie-label Matador to the majors, Austin's Spoon are simply doing what they've
been doing for years -- touring constantly and playing a fiery brand of
hotwired pop. A Series of Sneaks crackles with whiplash licks and
adrenalized kicks, like Guided by Voices live but with lots more woolly guitar.
The threesome -- Britt Daniel, Jim Eno, and Joshua Zarbo -- make a memorable
racket. Okay, so maybe "Staring at the Boar" is a throwaway. But the choked
guitars and primal drums that propel "Metal School," the Lyres/Real Kids garage
groove (with handclaps) of "No You're Not," and the yelping, stutter-step
rumble of "The Minor Tough" more than make up for any miscues. <
-- Jonathan Perry