[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
April 24 - May 1, 1998

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*** Susan McKeown



[Susan McKeown] One mark of musical innovation is bringing new ideas to an old form. Here, on what's perhaps her finest album, Celtic singer/bandleader Susan McKeown takes the most traditional of Irish folk themes -- war, emigration, star-crossed romance -- and a raft of instruments that include uilleann pipes, tuba, tabla, and e-bow bass to craft something that seems sprung from the studio of soundscape master Daniel Lanois. Her alto and the familiar voices of Emerald Isle regulars like the pipes, whistles, and bodhrán keep things grounded, but the breathtaking spare arrangements value texture as much as melody. So the sighs of the pipes or guitars, or the churn of tabla and sitar-like effects, beam through the mix to pin emotional nuances in their naked light. Many of the best moments feature McKeown in near a cappella performances. Her flawless intonation, purity of tone, and graceful fillips make for arresting listening. With this smartly realized recording, she goes beyond language and genre to sing a dialect of the heart.

-- Ted Drozdowski
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