**1/2 Tuscadero
With a girl/boy line-up and indie-rock past that mirror the recently
broken-up Veruca Salt, DC's Tuscadero have a model of sorts on which to base
their transition from darlings of the underground to major-league players.
Dark, distorted guitars rub up against bright shiny harmonies infused with just
a touch of liberated attitude on My Way or the Highway, Tuscadero's
second CD and their first big-budget production job. Call it empowered pop,
which really isn't a hell of a lot different from the beat the Go-Go's embraced
more than a decade ago when they first emerged from the LA punk scene. In fact,
there's a strong retro new-wave current running through the best tunes here: a
squiggly synth line pops up in "Freak Magnet," a tight and bouncy little number
about attracting the wrong element; and the faux funk groove and cool
sax soloing on the anti-fashion single, "Paper Dolls," are cheesy in a charming
sort of way.
-- Matt Ashare