*1/2 Adam F
Junglist Adam F's debut full-length
really ought to be packaged with an oversized hardbound book crammed with
pictures of spiral galaxies and healing crystals. An ever-so-tasteful coffee
table is exactly where this unadventurous package of F's 1995-'97 singles
belongs. That's not to imply that Colours lacks musical ideas; it's just
that the arrangements don't stray a millimeter from the hidebound form of the
dance-floor jungle anthem. All the signatures of "jazzy" jungle are there:
muted trumpets, synth washes, and restrained but funky drum programming.
Indeed, the high point is "73," which channels the improvisational intensity of
a jazz-fusion combo into jungle's swirling polyrhythms.
But the rest (with the partial exception of the shuffle-funk "F Jam") devolves
into jungle-by-numbers -- you know the jig is up when you hear those hackneyed
police-car-siren samples. Even Roni Size, the current master rethinker of
jungle's place in the pop universe, can't seem to find any room for innovation
on his remix of F's signature hit "Circles." Dystopia has never sounded so
pretty, and that's precisely the problem.
-- Chris Tweney