* Richard Carpenter
The Carpenters, with their Brady Bunch haircuts, doe-eyed
expressions, and blindingly white incisors, always weirded me out. Aside from a
handful of insidiously gooey melodies and Karen Carpenter's honeyed voice, the
best I can say for them is that they provided instant nostalgia. The kitschy
If I Were a Carpenter tribute CD infused their legacy with an ironic
charm and humor they never had.
But none of those qualities is anywhere to be found on Richard's overblown
vanity project. Pianist. . . , a redundant morass of
rehashed Carpenters hits buried under gobs of strings and wind instruments, is
a transparent attempt to exaggerate the Carpenters' importance and elevate
Richard to "serious artist" status. He may have been the studio brains behind
the outfit, but it's his late sister's combination of restraint and warmth
that's badly missed. Even the retrograde cheesiness that made the Carpenters'
pabulum a sugary pleasure has been replaced by a saccharine substitute. Sappy
symphonic flourishes get draped over mothballed relics like "We've Only Just
Begun," and a 12-minute medley of Carpenters' hits dilutes songs like "Rainy
Days and Mondays" and "Superstar" to their logical, inevitable form: elevator
-- Jonathan Perry