**** Royal Fingerbowl
This is a remarkably beautiful
collection of songs about decrepitude, broken hearts, alcoholism, kidnapping,
and lowlifes. The obvious comparison is to Tom Waits's first four albums, which
combined a similar blend of jazz, blues, and Tin Pan Alley with a view of
existence from the bottom up. The lyrics are every bit as literate and
bittersweet, and singer Alex McMurray shares Waits's Brillo vocal cords.
But Royal Fingerbowl take much of their sensibility from the demimonde of
their native New Orleans. There's a seedy sense of heart to even their
knottiest characters. Plus a spareness to the music that speaks of a culture
that doesn't perform any unnecessary movements in the afternoon sun and
appreciates all its available ingredients. So numbers like "The Rosy Fingered
Dawn" unravel to slowly loping rhythms; emotions like the anger and sadness in
"Toby" take nearly a whole performance to build. The wise pinches of organ,
horn, reeds, and pedal steel that flesh out the trio's bass/drums/guitars
nucleus are similarly tempered. Royal Fingerbowl's idiosyncratic debut probably
won't take them to the top of the charts, but it's the kind of music one can
take to heart.