*** Paul Weller
Paul Weller continues to inch forward in his career-long rock
reclamation project with another in a series of mildly trippy, rather catchy
post-Beatles albums (at this rate he should be playing new wave by 2010). As a
singer he remains his old dour monomelodic self, with the occasional outburst
of somewhat strangulated passion. But hey, this band groove in a classic manner
-- big fat drum sounds, layered guitars fizzing, even a few hooks. If only he'd
stop trying to be a soul man -- at his best in that mode ("I Should Have Been
There To Inspire You," "Golden Sands") he sounds like Joe Cocker with the
barnacles burnt off his vocal cords, which ain't much -- and be content with
just being moody in the mix, as he does so well here on "Friday Street" and
"Mermaids." Still, if you like Weller, you'll like this set, and besides it has
Mark Nelson's pithy sitar (that's right) to help get you through the paisley