*** Rosalie Sorrels, Utah Phillips
(Red House Records)
Veteran folksingers Sorrels and Phillips create a loving tribute to labor music
(with an emphasis on factory workers and miners) in this exquisitely performed
collection of songs, stories, and poetry. The lyrics are unabashedly lefty,
bordering on the anarchistic, with each singer assuming the solo spotlight for
20 minutes. The material ranges from contemporary acoustic folk fare (penned by
the likes of Si Kahn and Phillips) to folk ditties by that all-purpose singer
"Unknown" who resides in the "Public Domain." One of the high points is a song
by Malvina Reynolds, who's best remembered for the way her "Ticky Tacky"
attacked mindless conformity. Sorrels turns her "Bury Me in My Overalls" into a
grimly whimsical masterpiece that conveys an enlightened acceptance of
mortality. Equally winning is Phillips doing her own "All Used Up," a wry look
at personal and planetary entropy. Although they've had their share of serious
medical problems lately, both singers are again touring and recording with
renewed spirit -- and with voices that sound stronger than ever.