*** Miya Masaoka, Tom Nunn, Gino Robair
The music on this disc sounds like nothing else you've ever heard. That's
partly due to the line-up: koto, percussion, and an invented pair called bug
and baboon. But it's what this co-operative trio of San-Francisco-based
improvisers do with their instruments that counts. Masaoka is a major new
voice, building a personal, contemporary music out of the ancient vocabulary of
the koto. Nunn, using instruments of his own creation, is by definition in
uncharted territory; Robair has developed his own voice within the aesthetic
inherited from free-improvising percussionists of the past 30 years.
For more than 45 minutes, these three quietly manipulate the unusual timbres
of their instruments. It's difficult to untangle the silken knot of the music
to determine who is making what sound. But the result is consistently
rewarding, from the play of light and shadow in the sonic space of the
performance to the dancing irregular rhythmic patterns to the kaleidoscopic
blend of dry thwacks, resonating wooden-bucket bonks, broom-bristle shushing,
and a thousand other unidentifiable, mysterious sounds.