Heavy Dates
by Joe Longone and Matt Ashare
Friday, April 25, the music of Rebby Sharp, Angel Dean, and Bob
Jordan can be captured at the Above Club, Another Planet soar at the
Tammany Club, Clutch Grabwell have a ball at the Plantation Club, and
Arise, Dissolve, Times Expired, Human Being, and Rare Form all
gather at the Espresso Bar. This Saturday, April 26, Jiggle the Handle
celebrate the release of their new CD at the Plantation Club, the
Fathoms dive deep into their repertoire of instrumentals at Ralph's,
Dinny's welcomes the Deniros, Free Radicals, and the Preston
Wayne Four to its monthly musical showcase, Sir Morgan's Cove will be
rocked to its rafters when Sam Black Church, Mad Pedestrian, HonkeyBall,
and Rawhead Rex explode on stage, Chillum, Freakshow, and
Sleestack funk up the Espresso B ar, the WAGFest comes to a close when
Rhythm Party, White Elvis 2000, and Industrial Sonic Echo appear
at the Above Club, and Mike Ladd performs selections from his new CD,
The Storm, at Media Play (2 p.m.). This Sunday, April 27,
Silverchair. Local H, and Handsome are in concert at the AUD, an
Earth Day Festival, featuring music by Valerie and Walter Crockett,
Somebody's Sister, Chuck and Mud and the Thorndyke Road School Environmental
Chorus, and Stringtown will be held free of charge at the New
England Science Center (noon-5 p.m.), and the Espresso Bar holds an afternoon
show with Rawhead Rex, Crisis, Veiled, and Unclops starting at 3
p.m. This Wednesday, April 30, the Tammany Club is into the finals of its
Battle of the Bands, and Sir Morgan's Cove begins to wind up its own
competition with the semi-finals. Next Thursday, May 1, the band Cotton
Mouth headline at Ralph's 18+ night. Next Friday, May 2, the Dennis
Brennan Band plug in at Gilreins, and Bret Hart sings at Eleni's.
-- Joe Longone
BOSTON/PROVIDENCE: If you don't already have a ticket to
Terrastock at Providence's Rogue Lounge (401-331-0877) this weekend,
April 25 through 27, it's too late -- the festival is sold out. But you can
still catch some of Terrastock's best acts at other venues. Ohio's Witch
Hazel, who play the Rogue on the 25th at 8, join Boston's-own Syrup USA
on April 28 at the Green Street Grill (617-876-1655), in Cambridge.
Neutral Milk Hotel and the Olivia Tremor Control, who have
Terrastock sets on the 26th at 5:30 p.m. and the 27th at 2 p.m. respectively,
join forces at the Middle East (617-864-3278), in Cambridge, on April 27. And
if you can't make it to the big WBOS/92.9 Earth Day Concert and Festival
(617-787-0929) at the MDC Hatch Shell on banks of the Charles River in
Boston to see the Verve Pipe with Boz Scaggs, Widespread
Panic, Modern English, the Bone Shakers, Ashley MacIssac, Patty
Griffin, and Jonathan Edwards on April 26, you can catch them a week
later with Tonic at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel (401-272-5876), in
Feel-good rappers De La Soul hit the Strand (401-272-0444), in
Providence, on April 24 and Axis (617-262-2437), in Boston, on April 29. Fat
Bag and Rustic Overtones join De La Soul in Providence and then play
their own show together at Avalon (617-262-2424) on April 30. England's
techno-driven Sneaker Pimps open for G. Love & Special Sauce
on April 25 at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel, in what has to be one of the
stranger pairings of the week. The Pimps go on to headline Axis on the
following night with Chimera opening.
Former New Orleans truck driver Camus, who sings in a voice that'll
remind you of Tom Petty and has the songs to back it up, joins Big Mouth
and Spacehog at the Met Café (401-861-2142), in Providence,
on April 26 and begins a residency at Bill's Bar (617-421-9678), in Boston, on
May 1, which continues with shows on the 8th and 15th. And diehard English punk
fundamentalists the UK Subs celebrate their 20th anniversary of rebel
rocking with a tour that hits the Met Café on April 28 and the Middle
East on April 29.
-- Matt Ashare