[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
Sept. 15 - 22, 2000

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*** The Need



The Need's Rachel Carnes (drums/organ/vocals) and Radio Sloan (guitar/bass/vocals) go back to the retro robot future on The Need Is Dead, the band's sophomore album. Their craft is more than mere Kraftwerk redux, though: the proud-dyke duo from the Pacific Northwest mix garage with Garbage and turn "Iron Man" riffage into grrrl-power anthems. "2-Story Girl" even sports ringing Hell's bells, à la AC/DC, and "Hellfire" is a life-after-death metal assault. The organ surges and solos give The Need Is Dead a '60s garage-rock vibe; the ultra-heavy guitar riffing and squealing sounds the stoner-rock alarm. Bass anchors two songs, and the band take a bite of Fiona's apple on the piano-based respite "Mona Tinsley," but for most of the disc live drums, often in odd time, provide the only rhythm-section foundation for the mix of organ, guitar, and relatively soft singing. The harmonies here belie the instrumental beefiness the same way Ozzy's high-pitched crooning often countered Sabbath's mud flood, a blessing that's in disguise in too many latter-day slow-and-low riffers.

-- Nick Catucci
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