[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
August 25 - Sept. 1, 2000

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*** Mirah



Those who find Cat Power no longer strange enough should be heartened by You Think It's like This But Really It's like This, the debut full-length by a singer/songwriter who goes by the name of Mirah. Hailing from the Pacific Northwest, Mirah comes off like a less fiery and less complex Lois Maffeo, with her girlish, quavery, rather twee lo-fi acoustic-based songs, though Chan Marshall (a/k/a Cat Power) is clearly her closest indie counterpart when it comes to austerity of arrangements and tremulousness of delivery.

The tracks here range from strummy to strummier, with some mid-century ragtime-meets-jazz excursions thrown in to diversify the mix. The lyrics suggest that Mirah has a curious preoccupation with natural disasters and having sex outside; "Sweepstakes Prize" and "Murphy Bed" reveal her to be a sharp-witted songwriter. It may work against Mirah that You Think it's Like This doesn't seem as weird and melancholy as Cat Power's first couple albums, since her lighter-than-air melodies could use some heft. But there's a certain battered charm here that will appeal to fans of the indie form. On the other hand, those who shrink from the idea of a fey girl playing love songs on the ukulele would be well advised to keep their distance.

-- Allison Stewart

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