(Global Underground)
Pappa, an international club DJ
originally from Australia, delivers two full-length CDs of almost completely
instrumental trance music on this homonymous release. His style is purely that
of a programmer: he focuses on the smooth sequencing of sounds. Of mix
techniques, the quick cut and the overlay, one hears no trace. Indeed, the
blended smoothness of Pappa's sequences rejects the jump and bustle of the
turntable mixer's art. Although at times (especially on the first of these two
sessions) his program deepens toward the plush of classic house, for the most
part his spare and nonmelodic textures feel like a bittersweet, fatigued
version of old Giorgio Moroder without Donna Summer. Except that Moroder's mood
music, even sans Summer, had warmth and body, sexiness, and a sense of
laughter and tears, whereas Pappa's sharp beats and crinkly electronica reject
emotional display, not to mention sex. DJs improvising actual club sets from
Pappa's basics will likely mix voice, melody, and plush into his sonically
transparent tracks, because without embellishment, these sessions paint a bleak
metallic picture quite at odds with the hotblooded ecstasy that moves a man's
(or a woman's) soul to dance.
-- Michael Freedberg