[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
May 12 - 19, 2000

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**1/2 Del the Funky Homosapien


(Hiero Imperium)

Del entered the game more than a decade ago (long before backpacking skater types began worshipping the extended Bay Area Hieroglyphics camp), amusing 'em with "Pissin' on Your Steps" and confusing 'em with "Mistadobolina." Back belatedly with Both Sides of the Brain, Del and his in-house lyricist, Casual, are captured at their finest in "Jaw Gymnastics." And Prince Paul's (continuing) mind-blowing production helps out Del (an alum of Paul's Handsome Boy Modeling School) on "Signature Slogans." "Soopa Feen" is an obligatory, run-of-the-mill tale about the neighborhood crack fiend that lacks personality. And having come this far in his career, Del really shouldn't have to resort to cheap laughs, as he does on the ode to personal hygiene "If You Must" (as in "You gotta wash your ass if you must"). But his booze and Buddha-obsessed verbal acrobatics are still one-of-a-kind, and the beats throughout Both Sides of the Brain are bouncy enough to salvage even the weakest hooks.

-- Chris Conti
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