Body Shots
Eight twentysomethings hit the hip streets of LA for some club life, binge
drinking, and sex. The guys all drive luxury sport coupes, have
über-yuppie jobs (one of them is a pro football player, even though the
Rams are long gone), and chatter incessantly about getting laid. The young
ladies are equally shallow: they dress to the nines, talk about blow jobs, and
seem concerned only with self-fulfillment. After a lot of blue, back-lit
posturing punctured with shards of popcorn psychology, they all get what they
want until one of the swanky blondes (Tara Reid) cries date rape against the
arrogant football stud (Jerry O'Connell).
That's when the "he" lawyer (a beleaguered-looking Sean Patrick Flanery) and
the "she" lawyer (Amanda Peet) take sides and the film becomes a vapid marriage
of 90210 and L.A. Law. The characters are listless, almost
loathsome, and the dialogue is inanely irresponsible -- especially the football
grunt's "she wanted it" spiel. About the only things that work in this trashy
tedium, the inauspicious big-screen debut of playwright Michael Cristofer, are
its techno backbeat, the vignettes of soft-core erotica, and Ron Livingston's
hilariously tenacious horndog.
-- Tom Meek