For about five minutes, Jonathan Demme's decision to adapt the rarefied,
magical realism of Toni Morrison's Beloved as if it were a Stephen King
novel seems inspired. The camera tracks along a graveyard, halting on a
headstone engraved with the film's title. A house erupts in mindboggling
poltergeist antics, a dog flies across the room into a wall and its eye pops
out, and two terrified young boys pack up and leave as their mom, Sethe (Oprah
Winfrey), sticks the eye back in. The passion and the phantasmagoria that got
left to the imagination in Morrison's Pulitzer-winning novel explode into
dazzling cinematic literalism.
Not for long, however. Winfrey puts in a meaty performance as the escaped
slave whose refuge in post-bellum Ohio disintegrates when a ghost from the past
returns, and Danny Glover as Paul D, a fellow slave from the old plantation who
shows up at her doorstep years later, is wise, sensual, and raffish. But what
were they thinking with Thandie Newton's Exorcist-meets-Rain-Man
performance in the title role, a mystery woman whose secret is as obvious
as her mannered, village-idiot acting? It sets the tone for Demme's
overwrought, artsy effort, with bucolic flashbacks à la The Color
Purple and brutal flashbacks à la Amistad intercutting the
ongoing histrionics. Demme should have taken a clue from Kimberley Elise, whose
portrayal of Sethe's daughter Denver is contained, nuanced, and devastatingly
authentic. Had he exercised similar restraint, his Beloved might have
been less belabored.
-- Peter Keough