Urban Legend
The box-office success of Scream pumped new blood into the slasher-flick
genre and sparked a wave of infectious imitators. Urban Legend stars
Alicia Witt as a cynical coed on the reclusive campus of Pendleton College.
After a classmate is axed (Natasha Gregson Wagner doing the Drew Barrymore
honors in the film's one truly innovative sequence), Witt's Natalie becomes the
focal point for the killer's grisly affections as she is witness to several
student-body terminations. Of course the college's stodgy administration
dismisses each incident as a hoax (when the bodies are nowhere to be found), an
accident, or suicide. Only Jared Leto's student reporter, looking for his big
story, lends Natalie an attentive ear.
The cast, made up primarily of beautiful young TV personas with marginal
talents, does include Robert Englund (a/k/a Mr. Freddy Krueger) as a professor
of contemporary myths and legends and Loretta Devine doing her best Foxy Brown
as the head of campus security. The slick, noirish visuals also go a long way
to hold this patchwork chiller together, but when the identity of the killer,
who looks like an anorectic Nanook of the North, is revealed, Urban
Legend swan-dives from potentially hip cliché into sheer
-- Tom Meek