BASEketball stars the uninteresting South Park creators Trey
Parker and MattStone plus Jenny McCarthy, who's been telling interviewers that
she improvised a lot. Well, there are always going to be movies like this. But
this particular piece of trash is directed by David Zucker, one of the geniuses
who brought us Airplane! And that can only mean the end of the world is
After a promising opening deadpan sequence about the downfall of sports,
Zucker hands over the reins to the two South Park morons, whose idea of
cutting-edge comedy is swearing a lot and French kissing each other. Parker and
Stone play Joseph Cooper and Doug Remer, the stars and inventors of a new
sports sensation. A mix of basketball and baseball, BASEketball is like one of
those games that you dreamed up as a kid and that's never meant to be seen by
anyone, especially in scene after scene of a motion picture. The South
Park guys are supposed to keep us entertained, but there's nothing
inspired about their gross behavior. As for Mr. Zucker, just one question: what
happened to the jokes?
-- Mark Bazer