Lethal Weapon 4
One of the few encouraging signs in an increasingly glum summer was the
appearance of just one sequel in the release schedule. Lethal Weapon 4
argues for banishing them altogether. Whatever vitality this series might have
had lies buried beneath crass gimmicks and astounding inanity. It takes Danny
Glover's Sergeant Murtaugh only a matter of minutes to humiliate himself: he's
tricked by Mel Gibson's thuddingly unamusing Sergeant Riggs into stripping down
to his skivvies and screaming like a chicken in the asinine opening action
sequence, which sets the stage for a series of sourly homophobic gags.
The new bad guys are Chinese mobsters (how many Chinese-food jokes are you up
for?) involved in slavery and forgery and headed by charismatic but misused
Hong Kong martial-arts star Jet Li. Another new face is Chris Rock as Officer
Lee Butters, whose uprightness is belied by jive talking that's the only bright
spot in the film. Back again is Joe Pesci, more high-pitched, irrelevant, and
annoying than ever, and Rene Russo, who's pregnant and eats a lot. The story
inexplicably takes more than two hours to relate; not only are they getting too
old for this shit, as Danny Glover's Sergeant Roger Murtaugh complains, this
shit is just getting too old.
-- Peter Keough