Les Misérables
The musical version of Les Misérables has so imprinted itself
into the collective consciousness that, even when viewers get swept up in Bille
August's solid new adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel, they may be
disappointed that Liam Neeson's Jean Valjean and Geoffrey Rush's Inspector
Javert allow grand dramatic moments to pass without bursting into song. Neeson
does make a fierce Valjean, who finds doing good a constant struggle that never
goes unpunished. Rush, too, humanizes the implacable Javert with inner torment,
unable to reconcile the ex-convict Valjean's righteousness with his own limited
moral imagination. As Fantine, Uma Thurman gets to expire glamorously.
Fantine's daughter, Cosette, who becomes Valjean's ward, is played nicely by
Claire Danes as a rebellious teen chafing under her guardian's seemingly
overprotective paternalism.
Prague makes a convincing 19th-century Paris, and the production design and
costumes are vividly grim. Rafael Yglesias's screenplay does a decent, largely
faithful job of distilling Hugo's sprawling, digressive novel, though the
deliciously venal Thénardiers, dispensed with early on, are missed
later. August's film won't make you forget the musical or the many previous
movie versions, but an entertaining, stirring version of Hugo's tale of social
justice is always welcome. Still, you may leave the multiplex wishing for
something to hum.
-- Gary Susman