From the opening credits of Ole Bornedal's remake of his Danish hit
Nattevagten, it's clear the director is trying very hard. A young woman
undergoes bondage. A tinny version of "This Old Man" is cued up. Intercut are
flashes of a sloshed law student Martin (a bland Ewan McGregor), his girlfriend
Katherine (Patricia Arquette), and best friend James (Josh Brolin) celebrating
his new job as night watchman at the city morgue. The inevitable gouts of blood
and blatant Psycho references. Police Inspector Cray (Nick Nolte) fielding
questions about the latest serial killing on the TV. "It's so creepy," someone
mutters about Martin's new position.
So it would seem, and in this empty exercise in style and mood you know
there's going to be a bum neon tube flickering outside the room where the
bodies are kept to counterpoint the moths fluttering in the light fixture over
Martin's desk. Such touches are more intriguing than figuring out who's killing
all the heroin-chic prostitutes and trying to pin the blame on Martin. Is it
Brolin's Nietzschean James? Nolte's crapulous Cray? Arquette's somnolent
Katherine, who seems familiar with the "phenothiazine family" espoused by the
duty doctor played by Brad Dourif in a cute cameo? Martin has to stay up all
night to figure it out; everybody else will be lucky to make it through the
-- Peter Keough