The Odd Couple II
After 30 years, Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon reunite as bickering buddies
Oscar and Felix in the belated sequel to Neil Simon's screen adaptation of his
play. Actually this should be Odd Couple IV, since the Grumpy Old
Men movies have featured Matthau and Lemmon in the same roles -- the
sardonic Jew and the anal gentile. But this official reprise is blander than
the Grumpy outings. Oscar's son and Felix's daughter are tying the knot,
and Simon takes the opportunity to send the two parents on a misadventure
through the California desert as they're traveling to the wedding. There are
some giggles (almost every California town is named San or Los something) and
the pair seem hip to what makes their partnership work (Lemmon is still the
straight man; Matthau is still one slyly droll, hilarious cat). But there's not
much more to this film than whining about growing old and the repetitive
sort-of-funny squabbling. Whatever was odd about the original Couple has
become all too familiar.