RocketMan poses two important questions: Is there life on Mars? And what
happens if you fart in a spacesuit? Whereas the first remains a mystery, anyone
who's seen the previews knows that Harland Williams answers the latter in
RocketMan's defining scene. Williams plays Fred Randall, a goofball
computer-guy turned astronaut for the first Mars mission. At first the crew
resent Randall's bungling (he serves hemorrhoid cream for dinner!), but
eventually they learn to love him when he shows heart, befriends the obligatory
chimp, and saves the day in heartwarming Disney fashion. This could have been
Williams's Ace Ventura, but the film's five good jokes are spread out
over its 90 minutes, and Williams lacks the charisma to jump-start his career,
or even carry his own vehicle. Instead, he hams up the dork role, mugs
relentlessly, sings campy songs, and makes off-color Chinese jokes.
RocketMan doesn't stink, it just runs out of gas.