The hype here is that Wes Craven "presents" and three horror "all-stars" Robert
Englund (Freddy Krueger), Tony Todd (the Candyman), and Kane Hodder (Jason)
have small acting parts. But the director is make-up artist Robert Kurtzman,
and the villain is the Djinn (Andrew Divoff), an awakened genie who acquires
the strength to kill from people's wishes. Unfortunately, the Djinn, even in
his disguise as a human, isn't as disturbing as Jason or Freddy. Neither does
Kurtzman have Craven's ability to make us laugh and then surprise with moments
of fright. Instead of scaring us, he only offers gory effects.
But screenwriter Peter Atkins (who also penned Hell on Earth) has
cooked up a cleverly sadistic story by turning the genie (usually depicted as a
friendly dude like Robin Williams or Shaquille O'Neal) into the universe's
greatest evil. And Tammy Lauren is tough enough and cute enough to star as
Alexandra, who awakens the Djinn and then must ask him for three wishes so he
can rule the earth. Frankly, I'm embarrassed I couldn't figure out how
Alexandra was going to use one of these wishes to stop the Djinn without
precluding the possibility of a sequel.