"It's a Die Hard situation, man!" says semi-delinquent hacker Ozzie
Paxton (sniveling and insufferable Vincent Kartheiser) after securities expert
Rafe Bentley (a spirited and deluded Patrick Stewart) takes his school hostage
in Masterminds. Fat chance. Director Roger Christian steals nearly the
entire plot of that well-crafted hit as well as ideas from a host of other
ill-matched movies but it doesn't help -- this is filmmaking ineptitude on
every level.
A malcontent and screw-up, Ozzie gets a chance to redeem himself when he
eludes Bentley and sabotages the creep's operation from the bowels of the
school. Excitement mounts as Ozzie . . . turns up the
heat! . . . turns on the sprinkler system! . . .
empties the swimming pool! It's a bad sign when the most thrilling moment in
the film involves a keyboard and computer screen; worse, the stunningly
ill-timed reconciliation scene arouses hoots of laughter from an otherwise
benumbed audience. As for Stewart, his reward for being a good sport about all
this piffle is to end up adrift in raw sewage.