[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
June 23 - 30, 2000

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***1/2 King Onyima


(Popular African Music)

Kwabena Onyima is a mostly unsung hero of West African pop music whose artistry is revealed here in 26 short, snappy singles from his native Ghana in the '50s, '60s, and '70s. The sound is neat and simple -- acoustic guitar, bass, hand percussion (including shaker, struck bottle, and a single hand drum), and a spot-on vocal chorus backing his lead. His takes on the styles of his day are as delightful as they are fascinating: his "swing" is convincing; his "blues" sounds more like a gentle reflection of `50s doo-wop; his "calypso," "mambo," and "cha cha" all bear the rolling lilt of his principal sound: highlife. This was the era when dominant-seventh and diminished chords came into the Ghanaian sound, and the music is enriched by quirky guitar cadences and rich vocal arranging that goes far beyond the straight, pretty harmonies associated with African church choirs or even the sweet rumba harmonies that emanated from the Congo during this period. This irresistible collection is a must for anyone interested in the roots of African pop, or anyone who loves folksy, danceable pop music from anywhere.

-- Banning Eyre
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